Tuesday, February 21, 2012


NIHIL BAXTER ain't nuthin' ta fuck wit'!

1. First of all, we must say that WE LOVED the name of your tour with Bob Rooney. What made you decide to do the tour?
Markus: Well, I don't know, the Bob Rooney guys asked us if we want to come on their already booked tour, so we just jumped on the van.

2. Why did you tour with Bob Rooney?
M: Like I said, they asked us to join, so we did.
Friu: Yeah, we didn't know them very good before the tour, we just played together once, but they are a bunch of awesome dudes and we're very happy that they asked and we joined.

3. After you got back home, you made the AWESOME new song “Don’t get killed in Thrashsilvania”. Would you consider the tour a total success?
M: Thank you. We wrote the lyrics on our way home in the van and two days later in our rehearsal room we put the song together and recorded it. The  tour was definatly a sucess and expierience, beside that it was our first tour abroad. Financially we didn't got out but we had a great time, met some very cool people and have seen a lot.
Jo: It was absolutely great. Some of the best shows we ever played.


4.Any funny stories from the tour?
M: Oh yeah, a lot of funny stuff happend.
F: Every story which contains Bingo and Booze was quite funny.
Pommes: ehm...the show we played in craiova Where a few things got destroyed by awesome dancing people... at the time it wasn't so funny because we thought the owner was going to kill us fterwards..but looking back that was actually pretty great! A whole shitload of other funny things happend too...but we were pretty drunk most of the time!
Jo: What happens in Thrashsilvania, stays in Thrashsilvania.

5. Noticed any differences between the Romanian hc-punk scene and the one from Germany?
M: Well, as far as I can tell, the differences aren't that big, but I thought there are more females involved in the pit. I mean, there are also females on shows in Germany but they're more passive, standing in the back, you know.
Jo: yep. And there are no tough-guy assholes. That was kinda nice.
P: well the people we met in Romania were all very nice and i had the feeling that they all cared about their scene... no stuck up “I'm way cooler than you” people... I don't think i met one person I didn't like...wait the nazi guy in Timisuara?...I didn't like him...

6. Best drink from the tour?
M: That selfmade liquor in that tiny green Mountain Dew bottle we had in Cluj. And the wine we got from that guy in Craiova we thought he'd beat us up as hell  but he gave us wine, haha..
F: Beer in this huge 1000 liter bottles. But i think the biggest one was bad, the bottle one smaller was delicious! and big. Worst drink: Kofola. Still have nightmares of it.
P: The wounderful DIY Cluj Schnaps! 

7. Nihil Baxter + Two Handsome Horses = ?
M: Punk Drunk Love!
F: can't remember the taste of it, but i guess it was a awesome night.
P: 4 ugly drunk fucks

8. Tell us more about the politics behind the music.
Nihil Baxter is supporting an antifascist, antiracist, antisexist,
antihomophob and vegetarian lifestyle. 

9. Although it’s not so obvious sometimes , homophobia is still present in the hc-punk scene. How do you feel about this?
M: We feel sad about that.
Jo: and angry.
F:  Total shit. Beside homophobia as a general problem in society it's even sadder that it's still present in a scene, which is, in my opinion, supposed to be a emancipated, open minded scene.
P: I agree, but Markus forgot fucking angry!!!!

10. How important is DIY in the German scene? DIY labels like Spastic Fantastic Rec. and I don’t kehr tapes seem to be very active.
M: We have a very big and diverse scene in germany. There are a lot of different labels, bands and promoters in Hardcore/Punk and all its varieties. Some are more DIY and some are more like corporate industries.
jo: i don't kehr tapes is very active? hahaha
F: haha, sorry, i don't kehr tapes is quite dead because of shitload of other things to do and pommes and i moved to different cities. and sometimes we're kinda lazy. but yeah, spastic fantastic records and yakuzzi tapes are very active. Maz, the dude from SFR and YT has an unbelievable output, i think he's some kind of superman who never has to sleep and stuff like that. Beside of that the DIY scene is still very important and big, like markus said.
P: Word...im quite ashamed at my lazyness at the moment.

11. You just released a split with Alarmstufe Gerd. Why them?
M: Because we like them a lot, not only as band but also as friends.
F: Jupp, awesome dudes and awesome music.
Jo: i'm in love with gerd.

12. Tell us about your band’s name.
Nihil Baxter is the villain's name in a german movie by Jazz-musician and Artist Helge Schneider, who is some kind of a cult-figure over here. 

13. Any side projects?
M: Jo is singing in a punkband called "Toleranzgrenze". They have a demotape out and gonna record another one next year i guess. I play in a sludge/metal band, we are recording a demo these days, but havn't played live yet. 

14. Future plans?
M: Well, things got more complicated since we live in four different cities now because of studyin. But we'll try to manage our time-issues and continue writing songs and playing concerts. We've also recorded new songs for another split-7'' which hopefully will come out next year (2011). We also plan a mini-tour in february around germany, netherlands, belgium and france.

15. Thanks a lot!!! Anything else you want to add?
M: Thank you for the interview. Thank all of you for having us in Romania and made us feel so welcome. Also thanks a lot for the two handsome horses schnaps you gave the Shoyu Squad guys for us. We finally got it when they played in our area.
F: what marks said, thank you so much, and Stuck In A Rut should tour germany, finally!
P: Thanks alot for the great time in Romania!!!...and send more schnaps hahaha!


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